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Grass Roots went public for the first time at National Night Out, August 2002. Left to right are: Gil Walter, Adolph Rosenblatt, Robin De Leau, and Sarah Rosenblatt with her son Jake in the stroller. (click the image to view a larger version) |
We have a table again this year for National Night Out, Tues, Aug 2, 4:30 to 7:30.
July 11 is P-Day! ("Perils of Pesticide" Presentation Day)
Our presentation to the Shorewood Village Board will be at Village Hall (3930 N Murray, 2nd floor court room) on July 11 at 7:30 PM. Our goal is to encourage the village to use organic methods for management of public land and to educate its residents and business owners about the risks of using pesticides. There will be an opportunity for the public to comment.
Grass Roots had a table at National Night Out (Shorewood WI) on Tuesday, August 3, 4:30 to 7:30, in the Atwater School parking lot.
MEETING - Tuesday Feb 10, 2004 7:30 PM, at Suzanne's house. Contact her for more information.
Several members of Grass Roots attended this conference.
Occupational and Environmental Causes of Cancer
Wm. Hein Health and Safety Conference
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Samuel Epstein of the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health
Topic: The Politics of Primary Prevention vs. Damage Control.
Fall meeting
At our meeting we discussed methods for distributing the Audubon Society's pesticide information flyer (you can get copies from me or download it from the Audubon Society's web site). Please check out Susan Firer's message below. By the way, in addition to the pesticide info flyer, I have a lot of copies of Audubon's Guide for a Healthy Yard and Beyond and their Guide to Healthier Pest Control. Let me know if you want some. Suzanne
From: Susan M Firer <sfirer@uwm.edu>
To: Adolph/Suzanne Rosenblatt <adsz@uwm.edu>Here's what I did in our neighborhood. I xeroxed both sides of the Audubon flyer and attached a brief note to it that Jim and I both signed. The note said, "We're part of a growing group of North Shore residents who are concerned about the proliferation of and consequences of the increased use of pesticides in our neighborhoods. Would you please take a moment to read the attached information from the Audubon Society? If you have any questions you can contact us. Or if you are interested in further information, you can email adsz@uwm.edu and ask to be put on the Grass Roots email list."
I left one at each house on our side of the block and showed it to a neighbor across the street who is going to do the same on her side of the street. She contacted a friend on the next street over who is willing to distribute on her block. We're hoping in this way to create a momentum and spread the word block by block.
Subject: meeting, flyers
Hello Everyone,
It's spraying season again, not that it ever seems to stop. So I think we should have a meeting. I'm suggesting Tuesday, September 16, 7 PM, at 4211 N. Maryland Ave (that's my house).
Louise was working on a flyer, Melanie and Amy are, too, but we need one right away, and I think for now we should use the one I down-loaded from the Audubon Society's web site, Lawn Pesticides, An unacceptable Risk. I also have copies of Audubon's Guide for a Healthy Yard and Beyond and Audubon's At Home Guide to Healthier Pest Control that we should get out of the cartons in my house! How should we go about this? Other issues to discuss: our big event, ways to deal with village govts, etc.
Please let me know if September 16 is good for you.
Grass Roots had a table at the Shorewood National Night Out.
Subject: The Flyer and the Big Event
Hi Everyone,
Overuse of pesticides isn't a Shorewood or Whitefish Bay issue, it's a national, well, really a world-wide, problem, and the more we work together instead of duplicating our efforts, the more we can accomplish. That's why my Grass Roots Email list includes people from all over the Milwaukee area and beyond. With collaboration in mind, I met last week with Melanie and Amy, who have a group similar to Grass Roots in Whitefish Bay. They have been working on a flyer for all the area groups to distribute. We agreed that:
- We need a flyer that is friendly, so those people we most want to reach will read it!
- All statements should be verifiable. If we can't point to a credible source, it's better not to say it.
- The flyer should have the endorsement of both a medical and an environmental expert.
- We further enhance our credibility if the flyer looks professional.
We briefly discussed the big event , a panel discussion featuring two doctors who research the effects of pesticides. Instead of doing this in the fall as originally planned, we're doing this in April to give us plenty of time to plan, work with other groups, do publicity, try to get people to come, etc. And spring is the time when people make lawn-care decisions.
I did order 1000 copies of the Audubon lawn pesticide flyer I Emailed to everyone on Monday and Audubon's Ten Commandments for a Healthy Yard. I'll let you know when they arrive.
Subject: Something you can do now!
Hi, I just biked past Atwater Park, the bluff overlooking Atwater Beach. Children ran in the grass, a jogger flopped down in exhaustion, people were sun-bathing, apparently none of them aware of the pesticide signs. I called Jim Bartnicki in Public Works, 847-2650. He was in a meeting, but I left him a message. I hope all of you in the Milwaukee area will do the same. Suzanne
An informal meeting took place on Thursday, June 19, 7 PM at Shorewood Library/Village Center (lower level) 3920 North Murray. Topics discussed included:
Gerald Weber's meeting notes
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