We came from the water, now we're back again
Marching towards the border, where we may end
All life's trapped, in the space on the ledge
Ebbing, ebbing, ebbing towards the edge.
The ledge of the universe, edge of the universe
I know my puny verse, is unable to reverse
The trend
We're mere molecule, moving in galaxy
Yet every eye can see
We're rounding the bend

The water that's here
Is the water we've got
Water that's frozen
Melts when hot
Thaws, thaws, follows nature's laws
Held here by gravity, it's earth's through eternity
Life is not

Strapped in, trapped in, the space on the ledge
Ebbing, ebbing, ebbing towards the edge,
Edging edging, edging towards the eddy
Sea levels rising, yet we don't seem ready
To act in concert to stem what we've begun
Still in denial of the damage done

We came from the water, now we're back again
Marching towards the border, where we may end,
All life's trapped, in the space on the ledge
Ebbing, ebbing, ebbing towards the edge.

©2006, Suzanne Rosenblatt

Performance in collaboration with DanceCircus on January 19 & 20, 2007, at the Humphrey Masonic Center, 790 North Van Buren, Milwaukee.

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Copyright © 2007 Suzanne Rosenblatt. All rights reserved.

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