Rancho Hípico Atzallan

Owned and operated since 1996 by Jane Freedman

Click the thumbnail images on this page to view larger images.

riding class

Small children in their riding class.

students in class

Students in class at Rancho Hípico Atzallan

Ranch scene

Ranch scene

Equine therapy session

Equine therapy session

Riders from 6 to 60+ enjoy riding at Rancho Hípico Atzallan, involving themselves in an activity which provides new experiences throughout their lives.

El Rancho Hípico Atzallan es una escuela de equitación ubicada en Nogales, Veracruz, junto al Río Chiquito. Se dedica a la enseñanza tanto de jinetes como de caballos de salto.

También se maneja equinoterapia para personas con capacidades diferentes: Sindrome de Down, autismo, microcefalia, sclerosis multiple, etc., aprovechando los caballos calmados y bien-entrenados del rancho, la instrucción profesional y la belleza natural que lo rodea.

Te ofrece la oportunidad para aprender todo de equitación, desde la cepillada hasta la montada. El Rancho se orienta básicamente hacia el salto y te ofrece la oportunidad de participar en concursos regionales. Cuenta con 23 caballos, incluyendo 7 caballos de escuela, y dos instructores.

Para más informes puede escribir a: jfreedman@uv.mx o janefreedman@yahoo.com

Atzallan Ranch is a riding school located in Nogales, Veracruz, Mexico. Nestled in a valley of the Sierra Madre Mountains, it is surrounded by towering mountains and rushing rivers. The school trains both riders and horses and offers students an opportunity to learn the basics of riding, from grooming to jumping. The Ranch is fundamentally oriented towards jumping and students can participate in regional horse shows. The Ranch has 23 horses, including 7 school horses, and two instructors. For an exceptional equestrian vacation, special courses are offered which include home stays and opportunities to learn Spanish.

  • learn horsemanship from a to z, from grooming to jumping
  • live with a Mexican family
  • learn Spanish
  • swim in clear waters from the Pico de Orizaba

The Ranch also offers equine therapy to improve the life-style of people with conditions such as Downs Syndrome, autism, microcephalia, multiple sclerosis, etc., taking advantage of Atzallan's calm, well-trained horses, its professional instruction, and the beautiful natural surroundings.

For more information, write to: jfreedman@uv.mx or janefreedman@yahoo.com

Rancho Hípico Atzallan
Avenida Ferrocarril #25
Nogales, Veracruz 94720
01 27272 7 01 60
01 27270 1 12 47

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Paloma jumping

Regional Championship, Veracruz, December, 2003

Jane rides a green mare, Paloma, in her first horse show held at Rancho Hípico Atzallan

Cherokee winner photo

Coapexpan Horse Show, Xalapa, October, 2003

Jane with a fifth place on Cherokee, now jumping in 1.10 meters.

From left to right: Axel Schwartz, Hugo Chahín, Jr., Cherokee, Jane, and Hugo Chahín Sr.

Xalapa Horse Show photo

Xalapa Horse Show, May 2003

From left to right: Hugo Chahín, Jr. - a second and a third prize, Axel Schwartz, and Jane - a first and a second prize

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